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What's happening at DDMG - May2024 - DD Music Geek

What's happening at DDMG - May2024

Hi everyone!

It's been a while with any updates on here or social media, it's been a weird few months for me with different issues unrelated to work but have taken up a good chunk of my time.

Now it's back to normality and I thought I'd give you a glimpse as to what you can expect in the coming couple of months.

Upcoming features and additions:

  • Customer loyalty points - this has just gone live both on the website and also in the shop, so you can now earn points wherever you shop with us! Currently, there's just a few rewards options available, but they are be added to, along with some special limited time promos I'm setting up. So keep an eye out for those!
  • The website is going to have a full refresh and rebrand.
  • Regular sales and promotions going forward.
  • In-store events at weekends
  • YouTube channel for reviews and updates
  • Discord chat server
  • A new range of custom products are in development
  • Expanding the preowned comic selection
  • More products online... currently only approximately 30% of our stock in our shop is actually online as well

This is just a quick idea of what's planned for the coming months, so stay tuned for more updates and if you have any suggestions then please leave them below!

Finally, did you see the June issue of Record Collector? We were featured as the “Shop Of The Month” which was a nice surprise to be selected!

Thanks again,

Dave // DDMG

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